High Auction Service LLC
Owners: Randy & Regina High | Downing, Missouri
Contact: Randy High 660.216.0515
Friday, December 21, 2018 @ 10:00 a.m.
Auction will be held at the Hostetler farm:7500 Shelby 352 Shelbina Mo 63468
From Shelbyville Mo. Go East on 168 (7) miles to Route T, then South (3) miles to CR. 352 then East 1.5 miles to Auction site. From Shelbina Mo. Go East on US 36 (5) miles to Route T then North (7) miles to CR. 352 then follow previous directions. Signs posted!
Edward & Ruth Zimmerman (Edward's cell: 660.988.1182)
Tractors & Machinery
2013 JD 6125R tractor FWA 24 speed auto quad front wts.
3 hyd. 2526 hr. (very nice) sn. IL06125RKDK760321
JD 70 tractor NF new paint new alternator 12 volt system
3 pt. PTO Brass tag sn. 7005961
John Deere 3950 silage chopper w/ 2 row 30” corn head
New Holland 816 16’ tandem axle silage wagon
John Deere 714 14’ single axle silage wagon
NH #60 forage blower - NH 357 grinder mixer w/ scales
New Idea 3732 tandem axle manure spreader - 8’ wheel disc
John Deere 717 3 pt. brush cutter - 3 pt. trailer mover
Sunflower 5030 field cultivator 42’ w/ new shovels
Hay Buster 2640 bale processor - 8x16 hay rack on 8 ton gear
John Deere 400 3 pt. rotary hoe - International 415 cultimulcher
3 bottom 3 pt. plow - quick hitch - 3 pt. bale unroller
Terra Gator 1603 w/ L2020 lime box 3208 Cat. motor
John Deere Killefer single shank sub soiler (antique)
Truck & Construction Equipment
2013 GMC cab & chassis w/ 14’ reefer box 6.0 gas 207xxx miles
Johnson HyGrade 1400RS 14’ pull type hyd. blade (like new)
Sky Trak 6036 hy lift 4x4 3 speed (good condition)
Caterpillar 416 series 11 back hoe
The Saw skid steer tree saw - back hoe for skid steer
Small irrigation pump - roll up 4” hose - 12’ power screed
56” power trowel (like new)
Shop Equipment & Tools
Millermatic 200 wire feed welder - Grizzly 7x12 bandsaw
Millermatic 145W welder / Generator 42 hr. nice
Chop saw - shop fans - LB White heater - chain hoist
Elactric pipe bender - manual pipe bender - cable winches
Banding & crimping tools - 10” Craftsman Radial arm saw
Craftsman jointer - hand & electric winches - lot steel
2” ratchet straps - lot woven wire - lot bale spikes - hand tools
9” silo pipe - 3 phase convertor 30 hp. motor
200 8” concrete blocks - 500 gal. water tank - lot silo pipe
Surge vac pump & motor - Surge pulsator box
Pair 18.4x38 turf tires (like new) - 4 10.00x20 tires & rims
Livestock Equipment: round bale feeders
2 silage & hay combo feeders - 2 large square bale feeders
Small creep feeder - 3 calf hutches - 4 barn fans
Store Equipment: 4 door glass cooler - Hobart meat slicer
Electro Freeze ice cream machine - 26” & 48” shelving
16x18x13’ tall slaughterhouse cooler - 3 10’ section rollers
Globe Stimpson antique scale 18lb cap. - lots more misc.
Amos & Mabel Hostetler (Amos' cell: 573.934.3391)
Tractors - Combine & Machinery
JD 9500 combine 2wd 4885 eng. 3212 sep.
w/ Vittetoe chaff spreader sn. H09500X632704
JD 930F full finger grain platform sn. H00930F686874
Homemade header cart - AC WD tractor NF runs good
Stieger ST310 Panther 111 tractor w/ quick hitch
showing 6108 hr. like new rubber on front
Farmall Super M tractor wide front sn. 35025 (nice)
Glenco 32’ field cultivator w/ McFarland harrow
M&W 6 shank disc chisel w/ harrow
Kewanee 20’ disc w/ newer 22” notched blades
IH 8/30 row 3 pt. cultivator w/ side dress knives & transport
Red Ball 8/30 row strip till - IH LH basket rake
Westfield MK 100-81 auger w/ swing away hopper
Westfield MK 100-71 auger w/ swing away hopper
Westfield J 210-36 grain auger PTO & motor mount
Scraper - Truck & Farm Misc.
Cat. 627B twin engine dirt scraper runs & works good
1990 IH 4900 truck 466 d. Allison auto. transmission
300814 miles w/ flatbed and 2 1500 gal. poly tanks & pump
9800 gal. poly tank - 2 1500 gal. poly tanks - grain cleaner
3400 gal. metal tank - 4400 gal. metal tank - IH dual hubs
Partial roll 6” drainage tile - several implement tires & wheels
2 pallets of 6” & 8” irrigation clamps - electric golf cart
Pallet of 24” circulation fans - pallet of spindles, hubs & wheels
Pallet of trash cleaner wheels, cultors etc.
2 60hp. 3 phase convertors 460 volt - 3 phase overhead hoist
Old Cincinnati 150 ton mechanical press brake
Old Bliss 21-S large mechanical punch press
13 42’ 2x4 trusses 4/12 pitch - 9 250 gal. poly totes
1957 Chevrolet station wagon no motor
1974 24x60 double wide mobile home new windows
in part of it to be moved (has title) - lots more misc. items
Auctioneers Note: The Zimmermans & the Hostetlers have decided to have a reduction auction. This will be a nice variety of items with lots of quality. We will start at 10:00 on misc and approx. noon sell machinery. Also loader and personnel there to assist. Make plans to attend!! Thanks, Randy
Food available on grounds.
Terms: Cash or check with proper I.D. Not responsible in case of accidents or theft. Announcements day of sale take precedence over any advertising.